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Will staying up late raise blood sugar

Will staying up late raise blood sugar

In general, staying up late will have an impact on endocrine, so staying up late usually leads to a rise in blood sugar. The specific analysis is as follows:

Endocrine refers to the phenomenon that substances produced by body tissues are directly secreted into the blood without catheter. Staying up late usually affects endocrine, which may destroy the rule of hormone secretion in the body, and then affect the metabolism of the body, thereby accelerating the secretion of glucocorticoid, growth hormone, thyroid hormone and other hormones, thus affecting the stability of blood sugar level in the body. So staying up late often causes blood sugar to rise.

In daily life, it is recommended that patients develop good work and rest habits, try to avoid staying up late, adhere to a low-sugar, low-salt, low-fat diet, eat less spicy, greasy and other irritating foods, so as to maintain the stability of the body's blood sugar level.


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