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South Korean girl group four weeks weight loss method

South Korean girl group four weeks weight loss method

South Korean girl group four weeks weight loss method

Weight loss is the eternal topic of girls, recently South Korea's red "four weeks of weight loss method" hot network, want to thin into a South Korean girl group, come and have a look:

The first week startup period

The goal of the week is to get your body used to eating less and more regularly, and to establish healthy eating habits. Do not need to do too much exercise, mainly through diet control to achieve the purpose of weight loss. Specific operations are as follows:

1. Three meals regularly (eat slowly) : eat regularly every day, try not to skip meals, and eat to slow down chewing, so that the body has enough time to digest food, reduce the absorption of weight.
2. Cut out all snacks and soft drinks: Say goodbye to all snacks and soft drinks this week, such as crisps, chocolate, cookies, milk tea, cola, soda, etc.
3. Don't eat after 6pm: Stop eating after 6pm to help the body digest food better, thus speeding up metabolism.
4. Drink 2L of water: Ensure that you drink at least 2L of water every day, which can promote metabolism and the body's water balance.
This week will allow the body to gradually enter weight loss mode, so as to prepare for the next week's weight loss.

The second week of fast decline

The goal of this week is to help the body undergo rapid fat degradation and reduce the burden on the body. The main way is to eat less and more meals, so that the body takes in fewer calories, and increases the intake of water. Specific operations are as follows:

1. Eat breakfast and lunch normally, do not eat dinner: eat breakfast and lunch normally, but give up dinner, especially greasy food and starchy food.
2. Eat filling fruits (bananas are good) : Try to eat as many fruits as possible that feel full in the belly, such as bananas, apples, etc.
3. Increase to 3L of water: Drinking more water helps burn fat.
4. No exercise: This week does not need to carry out too much exercise, mainly rely on diet to achieve weight loss goals.
This week can allow the body to enter the rapid fat reduction period, you can quickly lose weight.

The third week broke the plateau

The goal of this week is to speed up your metabolism and allow your body to burn fat better. In addition to oxygen exercise, but also pay attention to diet, so that the body from more levels to promote metabolism. Specific operations are as follows:

1. Eat what you want for breakfast: Eat what you want, but eat it nutritionally.
2. Eat good carbs for lunch: Choose some good carbs, such as high-fiber cereals, tortillas, oats, black beans, etc. These foods can provide the nutrients the body needs while meeting the body's energy needs.
3. Don't eat dinner (but if you have a lot of exercise and are hungry, eat high-protein food) : at night, you should eat less, or even don't eat, but if you want to carry out a lot of exercise, the body needs energy, at this time you can choose some high-protein foods, such as chicken breast, tofu, eggs, etc.
4. Start aerobic exercise: This week to increase aerobic exercise, such as jogging, jumping rope, brisk walking, etc., can effectively burn fat, and improve the body's metabolism.
This week to make further adjustments to the body, speed up the metabolism to burn fat, let the weight drop again.

The fourth week of consolidation

The goal of this week is to consolidate weight loss achievements, let the body better adapt to the new lifestyle habits, consolidate the effect of weight loss and develop a lean physique. Specific operations are as follows:

1. Maintain exercise (2 days aerobic 2 days anaerobic) : exercise is an important means of weight loss, to continue to maintain exercise, you can choose some aerobic and anaerobic exercise, exercise all parts of the body, so that the body more compact.
2. Eat only five points full (in fact, your stomach will shrink a lot) : the body has gradually adapted to the situation of eating less, so try to eat only five points full each time, so that the stomach can gradually shrink, so that the body is more adapted to the situation of eating less, so as to avoid rebound.
3. Eat more good carbs: Gradually increase your carbohydrate intake throughout the week, but choose good carbs, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, wheat germ, etc. These foods are rich in nutrients but low in calories, and can help the body burn fat better.
4. Taking a bath and soaking feet are good for metabolism: Taking a bath and soaking feet can promote the body's blood circulation, accelerate the body's metabolism, and consume more calories.

Through this "four-week weight loss method", you can effectively lose weight and avoid rebound, so that the body is more healthy. Of course, it is necessary to adhere to long-term healthy eating and exercise habits to maintain good physical condition.


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