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About the UAE

About the UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE).

¡¾ Surface area ¡¿ 83,600 square kilometers.

[Population] 10.17 million (June 2023), foreigners accounted for 88%, mainly from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Palestine and other countries. Most of the residents are Muslim, and the majority are Sunni. Arabic is the official language and English is spoken.

[Capital] Abu Dhabi.

[Head of State] President Mohamed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, who became president in May 2022 after the death of former President Khalifa.

¡¾ Important Holiday ¡¿ National Day: December 2.

¡¾ Physical Geography ¡¿ Located in the east of the Arabian Peninsula, north of the Persian Gulf, the coastline of 734 kilometers. It borders Saudi Arabia to the west and south, and Oman to the east and northeast. It is a tropical desert climate, divided into two seasons throughout the year, from May to October for the hot season, the highest temperature can reach 50¡æ or more; From November to April the following year is the cool season, the lowest temperature can reach 7¡æ. There are occasional sandstorms. The average precipitation is about 100 mm, mostly concentrated between January and February.

¡¾ Brief History ¡¿ It was part of the Arab Empire in the 7th century. Since the 16th century, Portuguese, Dutch, French and other colonialists invaded one after another. In the early 19th century, Britain invaded the Persian Gulf and in 1820 forced seven emirates to sign a "permanent truce" with the region. Since then, the emirate has gradually become a British protectorate. On 1 March 1971, the United Kingdom announced that the treaty with the Emirates would be terminated at the end of the year. On December 2 of the same year, the United Arab Emirates was proclaimed, and six emirates formed a federal state. In 1972, the emirate of Cape Khaimah joined the Federation. The name of the country is simply "UAE".

The Federal Supreme Council consists of the chiefs of the seven emirates and is the highest authority. Major domestic and foreign policy making, federal budget review, laws and treaty ratification are discussed and decided by the committee. The president is also commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Apart from the relative unity in foreign affairs and defense, the emirates enjoy considerable independence and autonomy. Federal funding is largely borne by the emirates of ABU Dhabi and Dubai.

On 18 July 1971, the Federal Supreme Council adopted the Provisional Constitution, which was declared effective on 2 December 1971. In December 1996, the Federal Supreme Council adopted a resolution that made the interim constitution permanent and established ABU Dhabi as the permanent capital of the UAE.

[Parliament] The Federal National Assembly, established in 1972, is a political advisory body with four-year terms. The Parliament is composed of 40 members, who are divided roughly in proportion to the emirate's population of citizens. In December 2005, former President Khalifa announced that half of the parliament would be indirectly elected, with half of the members elected and the rest nominated by the sheikdoms and appointed by the President. The Speaker and two Deputy Speakers are elected by Parliament. In October 2019, the UAE held the 17th National Assembly election. In November, Saqr Ghubash was elected President of the 17th National Assembly of the UAE. In October 2023, the UAE held elections for the 18th National Assembly. In November, Sager Gubaz was elected to a second term as Speaker.

The current government was formed in February 2016 and has 36 members, including nine women. Prime Minister Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is also Vice President of the Federation and Ruler of Dubai. In March 2023, President Mohammed decided to create a vice president and appointed his brother, Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of staff of the President, Mansour.

It consists of seven emirates: ABU Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Khaimah, Ajman, Fujairah and Umm Qaywan.


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