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About Albania

About Albania

The Republic of Albania (Republika e Shqiperise).

¡¾ Surface area ¡¿ 28,700 square kilometers.

Population: 2.76 million (January 2023), 98% of whom are ethnic Albanians. The main minorities are Greek, Romanian, Macedonian, Roma and so on. The official language is Albanian. 56.7% of the population is Islamic, 6.6% Orthodox and 10.1% Catholic.

[Capital] Tirana, population 930,000 (January 2023).

[Head of State] President Bajram BEGAJ, inaugurated in July 2022 for a five-year term.

¡¾ Important Holidays ¡¿ National Day and Independence Day: November 28.

It borders Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia to the north and northeast, Greece to the south, the Adriatic Sea to the west, and Italy across the Strait of Otranto. Mountains and hills account for 77% of the total area, while plains account for 23%. Forest coverage is 36%, cultivable land 24% and pasture 15%. The coastline is 472 km long. It has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. Rainfall is abundant, averaging 1300 mm per year. The average temperature is about 5¡æ in January and 25¡æ in July.

A feudal principality was established in 1190. It was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for nearly 500 years from 1415. Independence was declared on 28 November 1912. During the First World War, it was occupied by Austria-Hungary, Italy and France. A republic was established in 1925. He remained a monarchy until the Italian invasion in April 1939. During the Second World War, it was successively occupied by Italian and German fascists. The country was liberated on 29 November 1944. The People's Republic of Albania was established on 11 January 1946 and renamed the Socialist People's Republic of Albania in 1976. It changed its name to the Republic of Albania in 1991.

In June 2022, Albania held a presidential election, and the then-Chief of the Albanian Army General Staff, Major General Begay, was elected and took office in July. The Socialist Party has been in power since 2013, with its president Edi RAMA serving as Prime Minister. In April 2021, the country held parliamentary elections, and the Socialist Party won again. Rama was re-elected prime minister in September.

In November 1998, Albania adopted a new constitution by referendum. The Constitution was amended in 2008. The Constitution stipulates that Afghanistan is a parliamentary republic with free, equal, universal and periodic elections. The President is the Head of State and is elected by secret ballot by the Parliament for a term of five years, renewable once. The President appoints the Prime Minister and appoints the members of the government on the prime Minister's nomination.

[Parliament] The highest organ of state power and the legislature, with a unicameral term of office of 4 years. This parliament will be formed in April 2021 and take office in September, with a total of 140 seats, including 75 for the Socialist Party, 42 for the Democratic Party, 7 for the Alliance for Democracy and Integration, 7 for the Alliance for Change, and 9 independent members. Speaker Lindita NIKOLLA (female).

[Government] called the Council of Ministers, the term of office is 4 years. A new government was formed in September 2021, reorganized in September 2023, with 19 members, and the list is as follows: Prime Minister Edi Rama, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Belinda BALLUKU (female), Minister of European Affairs and Foreign Affairs Igli HASANI, Minister of Defence Niko PELESHI, Interior Minister Taulant BALLA, Finance Minister ElvinMETE, Justice Minister Ulsi MANJA, Education and Sports Minister Ogerta MANASTIRLIU (female), Minister of Health and Social Welfare Albana KOCIU (female); Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation Blendi GONXHJA; Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela KUMBARO (female); Anila DENAJ, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development; Delina IBRAHIMAJ, Minister of State for Corporate Protection; Elisa SPIROPALI, Minister of State for Relations with Parliament; Adea PIRDENI (female), Minister of State for Public Administration and anti-Corruption; Majlinda DHUKA (female), Minister of State for EU Accession Negotiations; ArbyanMAZNIKU (female), Minister of State for Local Government; Bora MUZHAQI, Minister of State for Youth and Children, and Engjell AGACI, Secretary General of the Council of Ministers.

¡¾ Main website ¡¿

Presidential Palace: www.president.al

Parliament: www.parlament.al

Government: kryeministria.al

European and Foreign Affairs Department: punetejashtme.gov.al

[Administrative divisions] The country is divided into 12 states, under the jurisdiction of 61 cities.

[Judicial organs] The Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Court of Appeal, and the local court. The Supreme Court and the courts at all levels exercise judicial power. The President of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General are elected by the Parliament. Acting President of the Supreme Court Sokol SADUSHI, President of the Constitutional Court HoltaZACAJ (female), and Attorney General Olsian CELA.

At present, there are nearly 50 registered political parties in Albania. The main political parties are:

(1) Socialist Party (Partia Socialiste e Shqiperise) : founded on 12 June 1991. Formerly known as the Party of Labour of Albania.

(2) Democratic Party (Partia Demokratike e Shqiperise) : founded on 12 December 1990.

(3) Liberal Party (Partia e Lirise) : Formerly the Social Movement for Integration Party, founded in September 2004 and renamed in July 2022.

(4) Social Democratic Party (Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqiperise) : founded in April 1991.


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