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Nagoya Stock Exchange£ºhttps://www.nse.or.jp

Nagoya Stock Exchange

Nagoya Stock Exchange£ºhttps://www.nse.or.jp

About NSE

Organization Structure
The Nagoya Stock Exchange (NSE) is the successor to the Nagoya Stock Exchange Co. Ltd., which was founded in 1886. It was founded in 1949 as a corporation with securities companies as members under the terms of the Securities and Exchange Law. In 2002, Nagoya Stock Exchange, Inc. was established after demutualization of NSE. The Nagoya Stock Exchange is a stock corporation that provides an Exchange Securities Market under authorisation of the Prime Minister.

Company Profile
Nagoya Stock Exchange, Inc.
Address 8-20, Sakae3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0008 Japan
Representative Mr£®Masaki Takeda
Founding April 1, 1949
Capital 1,000 million yen
Issued Shares 102,690 shares



    ¡°Nagoya Stock Exchange£ºhttps://www.nse.or.jp¡±by52ksw.com(www.52ksw.com)Tidy up! For study purposes only£¡

Recommended reading£º

Japan Securities Dealers Association website£ºhttps://www.jsda.or.jp