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The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

A frog lived in a dry well for many years. He was so satisfied with his little world that he bragged about it every chance he got. One day, after eating a full meal, he was squatting on the railing of the well and was doing nothing, when he suddenly saw a big turtle walking not far away. The frog quickly shouted at the top of his voice: "Hey, brother sea turtle, please come, please come quickly." The turtle crawled to the dry well. The frog immediately began to talk: "Today is your lucky day, I will let you open your eyes and visit my living room." It was a paradise. You have probably never seen such a spacious dwelling."

The turtle looked into the well, and saw a puddle of muddy water covered with green moss at the bottom of the shallow well, and smelled a pungent smell. The turtle frowned and quickly withdrew its head. The frog did not pay attention to the turtle's expression, and continued to boast with a big belly: "Living here, I am very comfortable." In the evening, you can jump to the well bar to enjoy the cool; At night you can sleep in a hole in the wall of a well. Soak in the water, let the water soak both armpits, support the cheeks, you can swim; Jump into the mud, cover your feet, cover your feet, roll around. The worm, the crab, the tadpole, who can compare with me?" The frog sputtered, and the more he said, the more proud he was: "Look, this pit of water and this well belong to me alone, and I can do what I like." I guess that's a lot of fun. Brother sea turtle, don't you want to go in and see the sights?"

Unable to resist the offer, the turtle climbed to the mouth of the well, but before it could get its left leg fully in, its right leg was caught in the well rail. The turtle could only retreat, and the frog shook its head. The sea turtle said: "The sea is boundless and boundless. With thousands of miles can not describe its vast, with thousands of feet can not show its depth. Legend has it that more than four thousand years ago, when Da Yu was king, the sea water did not deepen in ten years and nine floods. More than three thousand years ago, during the reign of Shang Tang, there were eight years and seven droughts, and the sea water did not decrease. The sea is so large that the length of time, the changes of drought and flood do not make a noticeable change in its volume. Frogboy, I live in the sea. You see, which world is more open and which is more interesting than this dry well and shallow water." The frog listened to silly, bulging eyes, a long time from ear to ear.


    ¡°The Frog at the Bottom of the Well¡±by52ksw.com(www.52ksw.com)Tidy up! For study purposes only£¡

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