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What is the relationship between Nuwa and Fuxi? Were Nuwa and Fuxi husband and wife

What is the relationship between Nuwa and Fuxi? Were Nuwa and Fuxi husband and wife

Fuxi was a great ancient emperor in Chinese history. He married his sister, the famous goddess Nuwa, and the two gave birth to mankind. He also unified the whole Chinese nation, taught people a lot of things, and once held a ceremony in Mount Tai. After doing this, he felt a little tired, so he lived on a mountain for some time.

What about the children of Nuwa and Fuxi? According to legend, Nuwa and Fuxi were brother and sister. Their parents had twelve children, but only Fuxi and Nuwa survived in a big water. He two people came to the Kunlun mountain, he two people want to inherit generations for mankind, but also feel that the marriage between brother and sister is against the etiquette.

So Fuxi and Nuwa prayed to heaven that if God would allow them to marry, they would combine the smoke from the two campfires. Fuxi and Nu Wa lit their respective bonfires, and after a while, the two smoke actually joined together. Fuxi and Nuwa got married after receiving the will of Heaven.

Nuwa and Fuxi had four children, one of whom was named Shaodian, who gave birth to two sons, Yan Emperor and Yellow Emperor. In mythology, their sons were gods who ruled over the earth. Some manage rivers and lakes, others manage four seasons.

The children of Nuwa and Fuxi were born after brother and sister got married. In some myths and legends, brother and sister got married and gave birth to children, which was related to the living conditions of human beings at that time. In early humans, there was no specific marriage system in society, and marriage between parents and children, elders and children were allowed.

Later, with the development of productive forces, the human marriage system began to be formalized, and some marriage modes were prohibited, including brother and sister marriage. The two gods of Wa Xi are the creation figures in Chinese mythology, and the children of Nu Wa and Fu Xi also play an important role in Chinese mythology. Their grandson, the Second Emperor Yanhuang, became the founding father of the Chinese nation. Nuwa and Fuxi did many things for mankind. Nuwa made man and mended the sky. Fuxi taught mankind to use fire and build nets to catch fish.


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