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Contact information of the Commercial Offices of Asian embassies in China

Contact information of the Commercial Offices of Asian embassies in China

Name of Embassy, Address, Postal Code, Telephone

Islamic State of Afghanistan, No. 8, Dongzhimenwai Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-1582

Bahrain 2-9-1 100600 6532-5025/8 6532-5017

42 Guanghua Road, Jianguomenwai, Bangladesh 100600 6532-2521 6532-3706 6532-1819 6532-2764

13 East 6th Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-2040 6532-1881 6532-2149 6532-1987

Iraq, 25 Xiushui North Street, Jianguomen, 100600 6532-3385, 6532-1873

Japan 7 Yutan Road, outside Jianguomen, 100600 6532-2361 6532-2121

Jordan 5 East 6th Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-3906 6532-3283

Cambodia (Kampuchea) / (Cambodia) 9 Dongzhimenwai Street 100600 6532-1889 6532-1958

1-13-1, 1-13-2 100600 6532-6182-3 6532-6541 6532-6536

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Korea)- (People's Democratic) 100600 6532-1186 6532-1154 outside Jianguomen

4F, International Trade Center, 1 Jianguomenwai-street, Korea 100004 6505-2608-9 6505-3171

Kuwait, 23 Guanghua Road, Jianguomenwai, Kuwait 100600 6532-2216 6532-2182

Suite 405, International Trade Center West Office Building, Jianguomenwai Street, Israel 100004 6505-0328

1 Tan Dong Road, Jianguomen, India 100600 6532-1908 6532-1856 6532-1927 6532-3127 6532-3291

Building B, Sanlitun Diplomatic Office Building, Republic of Indonesia 100600 6532-5489 6532-5484-8

Laos 11 East 4th Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-1224

Lebanon, 51 East 6th Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-2197 6532-3281

13 Dongzhimenwai Street, Malaysia 100600 6532-2531-3

Mongolia 2 Xiushui North Street, Jianguomenwai 100600 6532-1203 6532-1810 6532-1952

Myanmar, 6 Dongzhimenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Myanmar 100600 6532-1584 6532-1425 6532-1488

1 West 6th Street, Sanlitun, Nepal 100600 6532-1795 6532-2739

Oman 6 Liangmahe South Road, Sanlitun 100600 6532-3276 6532-3692

Pakistan, 1 Dongzhimenwai Street, Sanlitun, Pakistan 100600 6532-2504 6532-2695 6532-2581 6532-2759 6532-1217

Palestine 2 East 3rd Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-1361

23 Xiushui North Street, Jianguomen, Philippines 100600 6532-2794 6532-1872

Qatar Tower Park Diplomatic Office Building 1-9-2 100600 6532-2231-5

Saudi Arabia 1 Sanlitun North Street, 100600 6532-4825 6532-5325

1 Silk Water North Street, Jianguomen, Singapore 100600 6532-3926 6532-3143

3 Jianhua Road, Jianguo Gate, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 100600 6532-1861-2

Sudan 1 East 2nd Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-3715 6532-2205

Syria, 6 East 4th Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-1372 6532-1347 6532-1563 6532-1356

8 Liangmahe South Road, Sanlitun, United Republic of Tanzania 100600 6532-1491 6532-1719

Thailand 40 Guanghua Road, Jianguomen Wai 100600 6532-1903 6532-3955 6532-5058

United Arab Emirates, Tayuan Diplomatic Office Building, 1-9-1 100600 6532-2112 6532-5083/5

32 Quang Hoa Road, Jianguo Mun Wai, Socialist Republic of Vietnam 100600 6532-1155 6532-5415

Yemen, 5 East 3rd Street, Sanlitun 100600 6532-1558 6532-1793

Kyrgyz Republic (Kirghizia) Tower Park Diplomatic Office Building 2-4-1 100600 6532-6458/9



    ¡°Contact information of the Commercial Offices of Asian embassies in China¡±by52ksw.com(www.52ksw.com)Tidy up! For study purposes only£¡

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