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Oman online visa application website

Oman online visa application website

Oman online visa application website£ºhttps://www.rop.gov.om/english/visaservices_mainpage.html

Oman visa application online, please visit the royal Oman police department site visa online application page: https://www.rop.gov.om/english/visaservices_mainpage.html.

The main types of visa in Oman are: Tourist Visa (Express Visa), Family Visit Visa (Family Visit Visa), Relative/Family Joining Visa (Relative/Family Joining Visa) and work visa (Employment visa) Visa), etc.


    ¡°Oman online visa application website¡±by52ksw.com(www.52ksw.com)Tidy up! For study purposes only£¡

Recommended reading£º

Introduction to Oman