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What are the customs in the UAE

What are the customs in the UAE

Uae law clearly prohibits taking photos of government agencies, royal palaces, military security centers, foreign embassies and consulates, airports, ports and other facilities, and violators will be subject to severe penalties such as detention, heavy fines and deportation. When going out, please pay close attention to warning signs such as "No photos" and "No entry" to avoid taking pictures by mistake or by mistake. Respect the privacy of others and do not take photos of others without their consent.

The UAE is an Islamic country with strict restrictions on food and alcoholic beverages containing pork, and foreigners can buy alcohol in designated hotels and shops. Muslims are required to pray five times a day, whether in the office, at home or on a plane. Church is a very serious business, and people are not allowed to talk about it, let alone joke about it. During Ramadan, drinking water, smoking and eating are prohibited in public places and on the streets between sunrise and sunset.

Arabs regard their left hand as unclean, so they should use their right hand to pick up things to each other, and large items can be delivered with both hands.

Large events are usually separated by men and women. If there is an Arab woman present, generally do not shake hands with the man, the man can nod and smile to say hello, can not be too enthusiastic. If a woman offers to extend her hand, shake hands with her. At the event, men and women can talk.


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