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Why should we master the frequency of good sexual life during the new marriage

Why should we master the frequency of good sexual life during the new marriage?

Newly married, husband and wife feelings in a state of bonding, and just the experience of sexual life, sexual life is inevitable frequent. It is said that a slightly higher frequency of sexual life has little impact on the health of couples, but newlyweds because of pre-marital preparations for marriage, marriage, honeymoon travel, etc., rush and work hard, energy and physical consumption layer, need to rest adjustment, so too frequent sexual life is not good for both body and mind. The frequency of newlywed sex life, both physically and psychologically, has the potential crisis of inducing sexual dysfunction, so it is wise to stop. Newlyweds should not have sex several times in one day, or have more than two sex lives in one night. If you have sex once a day, after a few consecutive days, you must stop L-2 days to adjust the meaning; After sexual life or the second day of mental burnout, haggard face, waist sour legs soft, dizziness and other symptoms, indicating that sexual life has been excessive, should be suspended for a few days; When it is found that there is abnormal sexual function, or psychological effects such as boredom and aversion due to excessive sexual intercourse, sexual life should also be stopped and appropriate rest should be done.


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