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IMF website£ºhttps://www.imf.org

IMF website

IMF website£ºhttps://www.imf.org

About the IMF

The IMF is a global organization that works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries. It does so by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation, which are essential to increase productivity, job creation, and economic well-being. The IMF is governed by and accountable to its member countries.

How to Contact the IMF

For more information about access and directions to the IMF headquarters buildings, please see Directions and Access to IMF Headquarters.

Headquarters 1 (HQ1):
International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431

Headquarters 2 (HQ2):
International Monetary Fund, 1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20431

Telephone Operator: + 1 (202) 623-7000 · Fax: + 1 (202) 623-4661


Business Hours

Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (ET).
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays*: closed.
*For holiday schedule, please see the IMF Business Hours, Holidays, and Emergency Closures page.
Comments or questions about the IMF's website: contact IMF Webmaster

Please contact staff members through the telephone operator [+ 1 (202) 623-7000] to request his or her e-mail address. For specific inquiries, please use the addresses and telephone numbers listed below.

General inquiries
email: publicaffairs@imf.org

This e-mail account does not accept nor respond to job applications or inquiries. The IMF advertises employment opportunities on www.imf.org/jobs. Please use www.imf.org/jobs for employment inquiries and to apply to specific vacancies.

Employment and internship inquiries
Visit: www.imf.org/jobs

Procurement Section
email: procurement@imf.org

Publication inquiries
Tel: + 1 (202) 623-7430
Fax: + 1 (202) 623-7201
email: publications@imf.org

IMF Library inquiries
Tel: + 1 (202) 623-7054
email: library@imf.org

Annual Meeting inquiries
Tel: + 1 (202) 623-0648
email: secministerialmeetings@imf.org

Civil Society Team
Tel: (+1) 202 623-9400
email: ngoliaison@imf.org

IMF Giving Together
Tel: (+1) 202 623-0770
email: givingtogether@imf.org

Independent Evaluation Office
email: ieo@imf.org

Media inquiries
Tel: + 1 (202) 623-7100
email: media@imf.org

This e-mail account does not accept nor respond to job applications or inquiries. The IMF advertises employment opportunities on www.imf.org/jobs. Please use www.imf.org/jobs for employment inquiries and to apply to specific vacancies.

Scholarship & external training program inquiries
Tel: + 1 (202) 623-6660
email: insinfo@imf.org

Copyright inquiries
email: copyright@imf.org

IMF Archives inquiries
Email: archives@imf.org

Video series inquiries
Tel: + 1 (202) 623-7082
email: imfvideo@imf.org

Briefings for Visitors
The IMF Speakers Bureau
Request an IMF Briefing for Your Group

Legislative Affairs
email: publicaffairs@imf.org

IMF Integrity Hotline
Anonymous/Confidential 24/7
Tel: + 1 (800) 548-5384
email: investigations@imf.org

Country inquiries
Send an e-mail message about a specific country:

Please select country
IMF Europe Office in Paris and Brussels
64-66, Avenue d’Iena
75116 Paris, France
Tel.: + 33 (1) 40 69 30 70

8 Boulevard de Berlaimont
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. : +32 (0) 2 221 5130


Fund Office United Nations
One Dag Hammarksjöld Plaza
885 Second Avenue, 26th Floor (between 47th and 48th Streets)
New York, NY 10017
Tel: + 1 (212) 317-4720
Fax: + 1 (212) 317-4733

IMF Resident Representative Offices
(Lists only those with websites on www.imf.org)

Regional Office for the Western Balkans
Praterstraße 31
1020 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 217 07 73

Regional Office for Asia and The Pacific
21F, Fukoku Seimei Bldg
2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho
Tokyo 100 Japan
Tel: + 81 (3) 3597 6700
Fax: + 81 (3) 3597 6705

Regional Resident Representative Office for Central and Eastern Europe
Geoff Gottlieb, Senior Resident Representative
International Monetary Fund
37C Zielna, 00-108 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 (22) 338 6700
Fax: + 48 (22) 338 6500
Email: cee-office@imf.org


IMF Regional Technical Assistance Centers
P.O. Box 14877
Tower 7, Reserve Bank Building
Suva, Fiji
Tel: (679) 3304-866/(679) 3304-065
Fax: (679) 3304-045
Coordinator: Scott Rogers
Email: apdpftac2@imf.org
Website: http://www.pftac.org

AFRITAC South Office, IMF
7th Floor Bramer House
66C2, Cybercity Ebene, Mauritius
Tel: +230 4012500
Fax: +230 4681618
Email: dchundungsing@imf.org
Coordinator: Currently - Vitaliy Kramarenko/ Effective July  2015 - Effie Psalida

World Bank Group Building (4th Floor)
#3 Independence Avenue, Ridge
P.M.B. CT 10758
Cantonments, Accra – Ghana
Tel: +233 242435009
Coordinator: Lamin Leigh
Website: www.afritacwest2.org

AFRITAC (Africa Regional Technical Assistance Centers)
BOT North Tower, 10th Floor
P. O. Box 10054 - 10 Mirambo Street
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: + 255 (22) 223 5353
Fax: + 255 (22) 223 4204
Coordinator: Sukhwinder Singh
E-mail: eastafritac@imf.org
Web: http://www.eastafritac.org

Tél. (+241) 01 44 29 80
Fax: (+241) 01 44 29 82
Coordinator: Olivier Benon
Website: http://afritaccentre.org/

Immeuble BCEAO, 9ème Étage – Angle Boulevard B. Roussel et Av. Abdoulaye Fadiga
01 BP 3775 Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire
Tel: (225)
Fax: 9225)
Coordinator: Jean Le Dem
Website: http://westafritac.org/index.php

CAPTAC-DR (Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic Regional Technical Assistance Center)
Coordinator: Fernando Delgado
E-mail: fdelgado@imf.org

CARTAC (Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Center)
Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Center
First Floor, The Business Centre
St. Michael
Barbados BB11103
Tel: 246-434-2840
Fax: 246-437-3159
E-mail: info@cartac.org
Coordinator: Mr. Arnold McIntyre
Web: http://www.cartac.org

METAC (Middle East Technical Assistance Center)
Middle East Technical Assistance Center
Bourie Bldg, No. 119
Abdallah Beyhum Street
Downtown- Beirut Central District
Beirut Lebanon

Tel: + 961 (1) 972480
Fax: + 961 (1) 972429
E-mail: info@imfmetac.org
Coordinator: Mohamed Elhage
Web: http://www.imfmetac.org/

IMF Family Association
IMF Family Association
Room 3–106, 700 19th Street NW
Washington, DC 20431
Tel: + 1 (202)623-7696
Fax: + 1 (202)623-6887
E-mail: imffa@imf.org
Web: http://www.imffa.org


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Recommended reading£º

ESCAP website£ºhttps://www.unescap.org