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The Wolf, the horse and the fox

The Wolf, the horse and the fox

Once upon a time, there was a sly old fox who used to steal chickens and touch dogs

One day, a fox saw a horse eating grass in the meadow. At once, he ran to a Wolf who was not familiar with the world and said, "There is a horse eating grass in our meadow. He is not only very handsome, but also tall and strong.

"What does it look like?" The Wolf, who had never seen a horse before, asked curiously, "Are you stronger than me?"

"Hey, just check it out."

So the two of them ran towards the horse

The horse knew the comer was bad and tried to turn around. Seeing this, the fox hurried forward and asked: "Hello, may I ask how to call you?"

The horse, who was no ordinary man, replied, "My master has stamped my name on the palm of an iron hand; you may come up and have a closer look." And he lifted a horse's leg.

The fox immediately said: "My family is poor, I did not go to school a day when I was a child, I do not know a word." Mr. Wolf is different. His parents are both lords and nobles. He has received a good education since he was a child."

Hearing the fox's sweet words, the Wolf was very proud. He walked over proudly and lowered his head to read the words on the horse's feet. The horse raised his hoof high and kicked the Wolf so hard in the jaw that three of his teeth flew off. The Wolf was miserable this time. He groaned in pain, held his wound, and limped home.

The moral of this story is that it is wise not to trust strangers.


    ¡°The Wolf, the horse and the fox¡±by52ksw.com(www.52ksw.com)Tidy up! For study purposes only£¡

Recommended reading£º

Wolves and sheep