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Learn to walk in Handan

Learn to walk in Handan

Once upon a time, there was a man in the Shou Mausoleum of the State of Yan who did not like the way the locals walked, so he decided to learn to walk in Handan, the capital of the State of Zhao.

As soon as he entered Handan City, he felt that the walking posture of the pedestrians on the road was very elegant and very characteristic, and he followed the pedestrians with a twist and a pendulum to learn.

He studied for a few days, but made no progress. He thought, must be my habit of walking is too stubborn, only to completely forget the original move, it is possible to learn a new move. Therefore, he lifted his legs, strode, waved his hands, and twisted his waist, all mechanically imitating the gestures of the Handan people. In this way, after a period of time, the new moves were not learned, and the original moves were completely forgotten. When he returned to the state of Yan, he had to crawl back.


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