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What does a man think when he lives with two names

What does a man think when he lives with two names

1. Men value sex more than women

Women value love, but men value sex more. If you want to tie your husband's heart, you must maintain your lasting sexual charm. Tell your husband that you love him and that you are waiting for him, often through sexy body language. Most men have sexual fantasies and always want to innovate in the way they make love, and you have to discuss and practice with him. In this way, even though you have been married for several years, it is still new and exciting. Remember, men always want to try something new.

2. Men want sexual "talent" to be appreciated

The wife should praise her husband's "talent" in sex, such as praising him for being strong, strong, etc. Most men find it important to maintain a powerful image. If you think he is very capable in sex, he will feel that he is an unusual man, more desire to "show", which may let you get a new sexual experience.

3. Men vent their emotions through sex

Men usually "tears do not flick", and often through sexual life to vent fear, pain, pessimism and other emotions. When they are in pain, sex is the only way to make them feel comforted and safe.

However, although the husband is physically relaxed, the psychological tension is not eased, and the wife will certainly not get more caress from her husband.

When you find your husband approaching you when he's feeling down, try to convince him that he can tell you everything. Tell him you want to hug him, and then ask him what makes him so anxious, and you'll feel closer together.

4, men are different before and after sex

Many women complain that their husbands shut themselves off completely after sex, but they don't understand that men only do this to regain control of their emotions. The man believes that only when he has sex can he fully express his passion, and when it is over he feels he should "restore the image of a man."

5. Men don't like to be treated like children

If you always treat your husband as a child, he will treat you as a "mother." Women tend to focus on the needs of others, but ignore their own needs. At first, men like to be taken care of, but the closer a woman approaches the role of mother, the more difficult it is for her husband to treat her in a sexual way.

When your husband asks you where his keys are, force yourself to answer "no" and let him find out for himself. Don't pick up his things, don't give him advice on what to wear, treat him as a capable person and show that you fully trust him. There may be some confusion in your life at first, but soon he will understand what you have done and will have a new understanding of you.


    “What does a man think when he lives with two names”by52ksw.com(www.52ksw.com)Tidy up! For study purposes only!

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